Friday, February 28, 2020

How to reduce uric acid?

how to reduce uric acid

To lighten issues got from hyperuricemia, you should know how to reduce uric acid in your blood. To do as such, notwithstanding taking any treatment endorsed by the specialist, it is essential to deal with your eating routine.

The specialists likewise show a progression of foods that can be taken and others that ought to have stayed away from, yet there are those that stay in question or their impact on this condition is as yet being contemplated.

This is the situation of Coffee, purchaser nourishment that is broad all through the world and that numerous individuals drink each day. Along these lines, numerous individuals who are determined to have this issue ask themselves: “Is Coffee terrible for uric acid?” In our guide,  we need to assist you with dispelling this uncertainty, just as clearly the best and the most exceedingly awful foods to treat this condition.

What is uric acid and how to reduce uric acid?

At the point when the body separates purines, a substance found in different foods regular in our eating routine, uric acid is framed. This is characterized as a strong item, as white pieces, which is created by the decay of purines and which, when gathered, produces issues, for example, kidney stones and gout.

The biggest measure of this substance that is produced for the duration of the day breaks down appropriately in the blood and is disposed of for the most part through the pee. In this manner, this substance in itself isn’t an issue, it is possibly stressing when there is an amassing of this in the body.

At the point when the awkwardness in uric acid levels starts to happen, indications are not typically seen, so it is ordinary that you don’t see that something occurs until a blood test is accomplished for different reasons or a basic amendment or until the side effects show up. Inferred illnesses.

Indications of high uric acid

The most significant issues because of a confuse about the degrees of this substance are the point at which it is higher than typical in light of the fact that, for instance, gout and kidney stones happen. Obviously, there are cases in which uric acid levels are low, despite the fact that it is less successive. Therefore, the most widely recognized indications of hyperuricemia are:

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  • Torment in the large toe
  • Torment in the knees
  • Serious torment and expanding in the joints
  • Kidney stones
  • Trouble peeing
  • Fever and chills
  • Tachycardia
  • Weakness
  • Hard knots in the joints or tophi

When the specialists analyze a maladjustment issue in this substance got from purines, they endorse a treatment which as a rule remembers a few changes for the eating routine, so they will give us a rundown of what to eat with high uric acid and what foods to evade.

Be that as it may, it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to remember every one of the foods for the rundowns and, at times, questions remain. One of the most widely recognized right now is whether Coffee is awful for uric acid or not and, in this way, we will explain it underneath.

Is coffee terrible for uric acid?

Numerous individuals experiencing hyperuricemia wonder if Coffee influences uric acid or not, since there has been a ton of discussion about its negative impact yet additionally the inverse. So questions have additionally emerged as though decaffeinated Coffee and uric acid are good or ought not be taken, pondering the negative remarks about its belongings. Yet, what is valid and what isn’t?

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As indicated by different examinations completed as of late by elements, for example, the American College of Rheumatology, the British Columbia University of Vancouver and the American Nutrition Society, Coffee is characterized inside foods that contain an extremely low degree of purines.

This implies it is a nourishment that contains this sort of supplement, which must be maintained a strategic distance from or diminished in instances of high uric acid.

However, the sum is insignificant to such an extent that, truly, Coffee taken with some restraint isn’t destructive to the acid uric; the most useful thing is to drink 1 or 2 cups every day and no more. Truth be told, the facts confirm that drinking loads of Coffee are awful for your well-being in different angles.

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Anyway, the specialist analyzes the issue and offers the best treatment and diet to settle it. In this manner, if we can make Coffee or not for our situation must state the specialist who takes our case.

Precluded foods for high uric acid

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In any case, there are a few foods that expansion uric acid and that if you have this issue or one of those that wind up being brought about by it, for example, kidney stones or gout, you need to take out or diminish your utilization. The foods restricted for hyperuricemia are those that contain high purine snows, among which the accompanying stick out:

  • Fish
  • Bluefish
  • Viscera
  • Red meat
  • Frankfurter
  • Margarine
  • Cream
  • Cauliflower
  • Radishes
  • Leeks
  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Mushrooms
  • Vegetables
  • Modern pastry kitchen
  • Got dried out Foods
  • Vaporous soft drinks
  • Liquor
  • Great nourishment for uric acid

Notwithstanding remembering what we ought not to eat if we have significant levels of this kind of acid in the blood, we should likewise think about those that are foods to bring down uric acid, for example, the accompanying:

  • Strawberries
  • Fruits
  • Blueberries
  • Apples
  • Lemon
  • Grapefruit
  • Orange
  • Coffee with some restraint
  • Celery
  • pumpkin
  • Onion
  • Artichoke
  • Carrot
  • White and lean meats
  • Drink a great deal of water

If you are searching for nourishment to bring down uric acid quick you will be intrigued to realize that it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to benefit from whatever makes this level fall in a couple of days, but instead to lessen it at the earliest opportunity you need to take the medicine showed by the specialist and take out food sources that do expand these levels.

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4 Useful Ways of Staying Hydrated

4 useful ways of staying hydrated

Water offers the body the most obvious opportunity with regard to staying hydrated. There are 4 Useful Ways of Staying Hydrated and has numerous preferences. It is non-caloric. It plumps the skin up while hydrating the muscles whether you have recently participated in some extreme physical activity or not. Notwithstanding, different choices exist as well.

4 Useful Ways of Staying Hydrated:

What other helpful methods for remaining hydrated would it be advisable for you to consider?

(1) Watermelon



About 92% of watermelon is water. Its juice is ideal for hydration. The reality the natural product likewise contains salt, calcium, and magnesium makes it ideal for rehydration as well. Aside from that, watermelons are additionally plentiful in potassium, Vitamin An and Vitamin C. It is additionally a phenomenal lycopene source. Don’t hesitate to take two servings of the organic product to hydrate or rehydrate yourself.

(2) Celery



A solitary celery stalk is 95 percent water. Therefore, that by itself makes it perfect for remaining hydrated consistently. Celery can do a superior activity of hydrating you than water. It is one of the best vegetables for hydration. Celery is plentiful in different minerals as well. The minerals incorporate zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and calcium. The high fiber protein fulfills your hunger while lessening the hankering you have for undesirable foods.

(3) Strawberries



Strawberries are 91% water. Notwithstanding water, the berries are likewise plentiful in manganese, Vitamin C, fiber, and protein. They are likewise brimming with normal sugars. They offer you the possibility of hydrating yourself with something sweet. The iodine in strawberries keeps up thyroid wellbeing. They additionally contain anthocyanin, which is eminent for a wide scope of medical advantages that include:

  • Improved heart wellbeing
  • Ideal psychological capacity
  • Against cancer-causing properties
  • Life span

(4) Cucumber



Cucumber involves 96% water. It is one of the most beneficial light snacks equipped for fulfilling your yearning while at the same time keeping you appropriately hydrated. Cucumber is one of the most extravagant water foods grown from the ground you can take whenever. It is plentiful in Vitamin B6, iron, and Vitamin K. All the more significant, it is free of soaked fat and cholesterol. Moreover, its water alleviates the skin, keeps up the sound composition, and flushes out poisons.

quit restricting yourself to water as the main method for hydrating your body.

Evaluate these different organic products as a viable method for keeping yourself hydrated.

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Moringa uses and how is it taken

moringa uses

Do you know the benefits of moringa uses, the food of the future? Have you ever heard anything about this plant or moringa uses, popularly known as the tree of life? If this is not the case, we recommend that you continue reading these lines where you will know in more detail what Moringa is and what its uses are.


Moringa, also known scientifically as Moringaceae or Moringa oleifera Lam., Is a deciduous plant belonging to the Moringaceae family that originated in different areas of southwestern India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, although its cultivation has now spread to other regions of the world. Although its most widespread use is moringa seeds as an ingredient in foods, this plant has also been used for the preparation of curative remedies due to its medicinal properties.

Moringa Uses:

What are moringa benefits and properties?

Moringa, also known colloquially as the tree of life or flower of freedom, is a tree that grows spontaneously in the Himalayas, although nowadays it is also cultivated in different tropical regions such as Arabia, tropical Africa, Sri Lanka, Mexico, and Peru, among others. It is named in this way because both moringa seeds and other parts of this plant have a nutritional richness classified as follows:

  • Acids: has ascorbic, caffein, palmitic and behenic acid.
  • Amino Acids: contains both essential amino acids (leucine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, and lysine) and non-essential (aspartic acid, glutamic acid, arginine, and serine).
  • Vitamins: highlights its contribution in vitamins A, C, B, and E.
  • Minerals: contains phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur and sodium.
  • Other nutrients: also has fiber, flavonoids, and oxalates.

Properties of moringa

Thanks to its nutritional composition, moringa has the following medicinal properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidants
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antifungal
  • Antidiabetics
  • Antibiotics
  • Hepatic
  • Diuretics
  • Cardiovascular
  • Vulnerary
  • Healing
  • Vasodilators

Benefits of moringa

Due to the properties cited, moringa has the following health benefits:

  1. It improves respiratory capacity and combats diseases such as asthma.
  2. It is recommended for diabetes, since it increases blood insulin levels, thus stimulating the activity of the pancreas.
  3. It reduces cholesterol levels and the formation of triglycerides in the blood, thus preventing the onset of cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Its contribution to fiber and amino acids makes it an excellent remedy to lose weight since it reduces the appetite due to its satiating effect.
  5. It improves blood circulation and regulates the pressure of the arteries.
  6. Relieves the symptoms of diseases such as rheumatism and inflammation of the prostate due to its anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Increases the defenses of our body.
  8. Hydrates and regenerates the skin due to its healing effects.

Moringa to lose weight: how to take it

As we have indicated, moringa is an excellent option for weight loss diets because, due to its high content of fiber and amino acids, it has satiating properties that can help reduce appetite and, therefore, eat less of food.

Although there are different ways of taking moringa, the most appropriate to lose weight are the capsules made with the fruit of this plant. Although the proper dose you should take will be indicated on the product packaging, you will usually have to take one moringa capsule on an empty stomach and another before consuming the main meal.


Moringa for diabetes

Among the different benefits that this plant has, we have also explained that it is suitable for diabetics since it increases the level of insulin in the blood and thus stimulates the activity of the pancreas. Although we could use the capsules of the fruits of this tree, we can also make moringa tea using its leaves. However, it is important that before using this home remedy you consult with your usual doctor to advise and warn about its use.

To prepare the moringa infusion you will have to follow these steps:

  1. Add 1 cup of mineral water in a saucepan and heat over medium heat until it starts to boil.
  2. When the water reaches its boiling point, add 10 grams of moringa leaves and let them cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Turn off the fire and let the leaves rest a few more minutes.
  4. Strain the contents in a cup to drink.
  5. Take 2 cups of this infusion daily.

Moringa for hair

In addition to the different benefits that we have explained previously, moringa is also an excellent home treatment for hair. On the one hand, it has to vasodilate properties that activate blood circulation and, therefore, stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. On the other hand, this plant has antimicrobial properties that help to properly clean the hair.

If you want to enjoy these benefits, here’s how to make moringa shampoo for hair:

  1. You only have to buy shampoo as chemically as possible and that is specific to your hair type.
  2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of moringa seed powder.
  3. Remove the ingredients well and take them regularly.

Moringa for the skin

In addition to being an excellent remedy for hair and other health problems, moringa can also be used for skincare. On the one hand, it has excellent antioxidant properties that prevent premature aging and, on the other hand, due to its richness in vitamins, it helps reduce impurities in the skin and keeps it smoother and more radiant.

Next, we explain how to make a moringa mask for the skin. You will only need:

  • Half a tablespoon of moringa powder
  • Half a spoonful of avocado
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Half a tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of hot water

To prepare it, you will only have to add all the ingredients in a container and then stir them well so that they are unified. Then, with a clean face, apply the remedy and let it act 20 minutes. Finally, remove it with plenty of warm water.

Contraindications of moringa

Do not use moringa without supervision in the following cases:

  • Hypertension: the abuse of this plant can cause possible decompensation due to its diuretic properties.
  • Hypotension: its consumption could accentuate the disease.
  • Diabetes: As we have already said, it is essential that before consuming it, you should consult a doctor, as it is a hypoglycaemic plant, which can cause blood glucose to drop more than normal if it is administered together with insulin.
  • Insomnia: it is not recommended if you have sleep disorders since it has stimulating properties.
  • Diarrhea: due to its laxative effect, moringa could worsen these digestive problems.

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Citizen Eco Drive Watch Review

citizen eco drive watch

In the event that you were searching for a plunge Citizen Eco Drive Watch to buy, it would be significant for you to get one that will address the majority of your issues. It doesn’t make a difference whether you are an expert jumper or somebody that would simply like a pleasant garnish watch to swagger around with.

For the situation that you are a jumper, you would need to ensure that the citizen watch meets the majority of your prerequisites. A jump watch can decide the life of a jumper. This is on the grounds that the instrument you will use to tell to what extent you have been under the water and when to turn out for another oxygen tank. I wouldn’t have any desire to envision what it would resemble coming up short on oxygen when you are 200 meters under the water.

Citizen Eco Drive Watch

There are a lot of brands of plunge watches available and it is extremely fundamental for you to ensure that the one you are purchasing is really a jump watch. The explanation behind this is on the grounds that all watches appear to slant with a similar structure, regardless of whether it is a game watch, jump watch or some other sort of watch.

Some will accompany bezels complete with tempered steel lodgings for extravagant reasons, while others will come prepared for plunging, but they appear to be identical.

Before you rapidly hop into purchasing a plunge watch, the most ideal approach to discover what the best brands are is to do intensive research. Because of the web, that is something that could take a brief span as you experience client experience surveys of the various items on offer. You ought to particularly be quick to look at the determinations and highlights of the plunge watch.


In this article, we are going to survey the Citizen Eco-Drive Men’s BN0151-09L Promaster Diver Watch with Blue PU Band. This is a somewhat intriguing jump watch that accompanies an intense blue urethane tie.

It can require some investment becoming acclimated to the blue tie, however, the shading blends in well with water.

One preferred position of the lash is that it is long and can fit easily onto a wet suit or an individual with huge wrists.

The watch accompanies a strong form that is a lot thicker than the ordinary watches. You can plunge with the watch for up to 660 feet (200 meters), which is reasonable for generally jumpers. The watch accompanies an extravagant matte completion that makes it less intelligent and not very splendid.


Enormous iridescent orange spots supplant numbers, and the hands are likewise radiant orange. This is particularly great in light of the fact that being brilliant, they retain light and when you go into the dull pit of the ocean, they mirror that light back, empowering you to peruse the watch when you’re uninformed.

The turning bezel of the watch is tight and so as to pivot it, you need to clutch the edges, implying that the bezel is firm. We would have favored a marginally greater date window yet it is alright.

With the end goal for one to utilize it, the crown must be unscrewed, a great sign that this watch was without a doubt made for jumpers. Plunge times are given on the band in meters


This extravagant looking watch can likewise be worn by individuals that are not jumpers, and furthermore by ladies that will in general incline toward greater watches. Another decent aspect regarding this watch is the way that it begins ticking when you open it to light since it has a sun oriented controlled battery.


  • Round watch highlighting unidirectional bezel and blue dial with date window at 4 o’clock and radiant hands/hour markers
  • Eco-Drive innovation is powered by light and never needs a battery
  • ​43 mm tempered steel case with mineral dial window
  • ​Japanese quartz development with a simple presentation
  • ​Molded polyurethane band with clasp conclusion

Water impervious to 200 m (660 ft): by and large, appropriate for expert marine action and genuine surface water sports, however not scuba plunging


The Citizen Eco-Drive Men’s BN0151-09L Promaster Diver Watch with Blue PU Band is a plunge watch that is a value for your money. It is tough and accompanies every one of the highlights required for a jumper. The watch additionally looks extremely extravagant and can be worn for different exercises.

The mineral glass can oppose most scratches, not being as solid as sapphire, and the packaging strong, implying that you could be utilizing the watch for the following couple of years without agonizing over it bombing you. The 20 bar water weight rating is magnificent for jumpers, and they can go up to 660 feet down.

With this eco range watch, you won’t need to consider supplanting the battery at any point in the near future. About the lash, I feel that despite everything it looks entirely cool, and the blue shading compliments the hues in the packaging.

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How to take cinnamon for diabetes

how to take cinnamon for diabetes

Although it is a rather sweet food, and knowing about How to take cinnamon for diabetes, surprisingly, can help lower blood sugar levels in people suffering from type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes is the most common and is characterized by the fact that people who suffer from it have a resistance to insulin, which makes glucose levels in cells higher and not absorbed well. 

So the cells of these people do not respond well to insulin. One of the components of cinnamon can improve the way cells respond to insulin by improving its effectiveness. Therefore, cinnamon helps improve blood sugar levels in addition to improving cholesterol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. However, it is not a substitute practice of conventional treatment with drugs, but rather complementary. 

How to take cinnamon for diabetes?


Why cinnamon helps treat diabetes

First of all, you should know that the use of cinnamon is a method that has been effective for patients with type 2 diabetes, but not for type 1 diabetes.

Although it is an effective method, it is advisable to take certain measures such as going to your doctor before to ask if it could be useful in your case and, above all, avoid making the situation worse.

To understand how cinnamon can help diabetes you should know how this disease works. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and responsible for ordering the liver to absorb glucose so that it is transformed into glycogen. In addition, insulin also participates in other processes of metabolism and fats, so many people with diabetes also suffer from overweight or weight gain and cholesterol.

However, people with type 2 diabetes have a higher resistance to insulin and that is why their glucose levels are higher.

Cinnamon has a compound called methyl-hydroxy-chalcone or MHCP that can improve the response of cells to insulin. You can also work with it, which would help to significantly improve blood sugar levels and, therefore, improve diabetes.

Cinnamon as a sugar substitute

If you wonder how to prepare and take cinnamon for diabetes you will be interested to know that you can take it as a substitute for some spices or sugar or as a food supplement. However, no matter how you add it to your diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if you suffer from another disease.

Cinnamon is also a sweetener, although the composition is different from sugar. Substituting the sugar that you take for cinnamon is a way to reduce the consumption of this sweetener that does not help anything to this disease. In addition, the white sugar that we drink is refined and very unhealthy. Not only can you add it to desserts or sweet recipes, but this spice can also be used in small quantities in sauces, meats or even vegetable dishes. Of course, it is safe in small quantities, you should not abuse it either. It is advisable to use between half or 1 teaspoon a day, or the equivalent of 1 gram a day.

Cinnamon in recipes to treat diabetes

One of the best ways to take this spice is to incorporate it into the meals since it is really versatile in the kitchen and there are countless recipes suitable for type 2 diabetics that include it. Here we give your ideas on what kind of food you can add this spice to take care of your health:

Cinnamon at breakfast

One way to add it to your diet is at breakfast. It is the easiest way to use cinnamon. You can use it in a toast or as a juice sweetener for example. If you are one of those who has oatmeal, cinnamon is ideal to add to the porridge. You can also add some fruit to make your breakfast more nutritious. You can also combine some fruits like orange or banana with a little cinnamon.

Cinnamon in meats and vegetables

Cinnamon is a good spice to use with meats such as poultry, pork or beef. You can use it to make a sauce for the meat or just use it as a spice. For candied vegetables, you can use cinnamon instead of white or brown sugar. It will also give you a sweet taste without the extra contribution of sugar that your body does not need.

Cinnamon in oven recipes

Cinnamon can be used in some baking recipes, especially baking. In addition to the sugar substitute, in small quantities, you can use it in some recipes like homemade bread. The cinnamon is very well combined with the dry flour, that yes you must mix well so that there are no lumps. If the recipe already included cinnamon you can add a tad more and remove a bit of another spice, such as nutmeg.

Cinnamon for cookies

You can also add it to your cookies in a decorative way. There are some baking recipes for diabetics that do not include sweeteners. If you add a little cinnamon as a decoration, sprinkled with a sieve or sieve, you can give it that sweet touch without increasing blood sugar levels.


Cinnamon in drinks for type 2 diabetics

We cannot forget that this spice also gives a unique touch and flavor to drinks, so adding it to any of your favorite drinks to help regulate diabetes is a very good idea:

Cinnamon for drinks

Cinnamon can be used not only for solid foods but also for beverages. As we have seen, you can incorporate it into some type 2 diabetic drinks, such as coffee or breakfast juice without added sugars. But you can also prepare a smoothie suitable for diabetics and add a little cinnamon. It will give you a very rich and sweet flavor.

Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon tea is another good option to include the necessary amount of cinnamon in your daily life. To prepare it you only need a cinnamon stick and water. Boil the water and when ready, cut the cinnamon stick into a glass and add the hot water. Then strain it and the cinnamon tea will be ready.

Another way to add this spice to your diet is as a supplement. In this case, it is not added to the meals, but you can take cinnamon tablets for diabetes as a supplement that you can find in herbalists for example. You can also take the right amount of cinnamon a day as a supplement, although it may be more uncomfortable and less tasty.

Warnings to take cinnamon for diabetes

Here are some tips and warnings to keep in mind before taking cinnamon to treat type 2 diabetes:

  • Despite being an effective method, as we have said, you should follow a series of instructions such as consulting with your doctor before following this technique.
  • You should never substitute diabetes medicines for cinnamon because it is a treatment as such.
  • In addition, it could interact with the drugs you are taking, therefore, it is advisable to go to the doctor. Keep in mind that cinnamon acts by lowering blood sugar levels, just like the hypoglycemic you may be taking. Together they could make the levels too low, causing hypoglycemia, which is just as dangerous as high levels.
  • It is also important to take into account the amount of cinnamon that is taken and keep track of sugar levels. In this way, you will know what is the right amount? Although as we have said before, it is recommended 1 gram a day which is equivalent to 1 or a half teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • The cinnamon supplement will be more effective if, in addition, you combine it with a diet and healthy habits. Always follow the instructions of your doctor.

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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Best Citizen Watches For Men

Dive watches seem to be taking over the world by storm. That is why we introduce Best Citizen Watches For Men that they can be used for many more things other than diving. This is because of their good looks and hardiness, being that they can take quite a beating before they give in. They also happen to be waterproof and can go underwater to depths of 200 meters or more.

This means that even the deep-sea divers can use them to whatever levels the watches reach. There are some things to look at when purchasing a dive watch, and we will look into them at some point.

If you need to buy Casio watches, then please visit here.

Best Citizen Watches For Men:

Here, we are going to review the Citizen Eco-Drive Men’s Silvertone and Black World Time A-T Watch. Bold, aggressive, and dimensional, Citizen® introduces its newest timepiece within the World Time A-T family. Featuring atomic timekeeping technology with synchronized time adjustment available in 26 time zones.

With black leather strap. perpetual calendar, dual time 12/24-hour time, alarm and power reserve are also added features to this upgraded timepiece.

Citizen Men's Eco-Drive Silvertone


This watch comes with attractive looks from its black straps to the black stainless steel bezel and face. The white color of the numbers contrasts against the black color, giving it a professional look. It does not matter in what time zone you are.

With the Citizen Eco-Drive Men’s Silvertone and Black World Time A-T Watch you don’t have to worry since it comes equipped with 26 different time zones. It does automatically updates itself depending on the time zone in which you are, although there is also a manual option.

One has total control over the summertime in each timezone, with the option to use auto settings according to the time signal or manual for areas that don’t use summertime or if the time signal is not available. For the manual procedure, you pull out the crown and rotate to move the second hand to a different time zone. Upon pushing the crown back in, the watch adjusts the day/time.

This watch is perfect to use, even in the dark. It does not come equipped with a backlight, but it comes with luminous coating on dial scales and hands (minutes and hours) that provide illumination. The luminous coating absorbs light and when you are in dark areas, it illuminates.

This is especially important for a dive watch because as you go deeper into the sea, it tends to become darker and therefore harder to read the watch. Not being able to read the watch can prove to be the biggest mistake of your life.

This is because a diverse life depends on the dive watch when they are in the water. With the watch, you can determine how much oxygen you have left in the tank since you get to time the amount of time you spend in the water.

The watch comes with a solar rechargeable battery and this means that you can get it charged even when there is no power. The watch also comes with a sapphire glass that is scratch resistant. This means that the screen will always be clear as you use it.

Now, it is important to note that using the watch for the first time can be a little complicated for some. That is the reason that divers are advised to practice using the watch so that they can get a hang of it before using it. You wouldn’t want to go diving deep only to realize that you don’t know how to control certain features. The watch comes with a manual, although you can also download one online.


  • Imported
  • Foldover closure
  • ​44 millimeters high
  • ​Stainless steel watch with orange contrasts featuring alternating numeral and baguette-shape markers, date window at 3 o’clock, and luminous hands
  • ​43 mm stainless steel case with antireflective-sapphire dial window
  • Japanese quartz movement with analog display
  • ​Also, features radio-controlled world time and stainless steel link bracelet with foldover clasp
  • Water-resistant to 200 m (660 ft): In general, suitable for professional marine activity and serious surface water sports, but not scuba diving.
  • Solar-powered rechargeable battery with a terrific charge up to 180 days in darkness
  • Sapphire glass which makes it scratch resistant and durable
  • Water-resistant up to 660 feet (100 meters), you can dive with it!
  • Automatically syncs with atomic clock
  • Dual time zones, easily interchangeable
  • Daylight saving time settings on both time zones
  • Alarms on both time zones
  • Perpetual calendar
  • Lightweight for its size
  • Stainless steel casing to make it durable
  • It can be big for most wrists compared to normal watches
  • For automatic sync, the watch needs to be near a window as some claim
  • For some the synch only worked at night although that was probably because of the radio signal. Not all places have radio signals.
  • It could be complicated to set up and fully operate for some people


If you are looking for a dive watch, you might want to consider the Citizen Eco-Drive Men’s Silvertone and Black World Time A-T Watch. This is a watch that is perfect not only for divers but also for people that love traveling. That is because of the 26-time zone feature that updates itself automatically or manually.

For the divers, you would have a nice time going as deep as 660 feet (200 meters) below the water level. This watch can take quite a beating and still come out without even a scratch on the sapphire glass. The stainless-steel casing ensures that you

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Best Casio Watches For Men

best casio watch for men

If you are looking for a good dive watch, you might want to consider the Best Casio Watches For Men. As a diver, it is important for you to have a watch that will work for you when you are in the water and below are some of the things that you would want to look at in a watch.

Good dive watches, in many cases, can be used for other purposes other than their intended purpose. It is not uncommon to find the CEO of a company walking around with a designer dive watch and yet they know nothing about diving. As the name states, dive watches are used for scuba or deep-sea diving.

If you are looking to purchase citizen watches, then please visit here.

Best Casio Watches For Men:

As it is, dive watches are probably the sturdiest watches that there are on the market. They are water-resistant and can also take quite a beating before you have to get a new one. The Casio G-Shock Frogman Digital Dial Black Resin Solar Quartz Men’s Watch GWF1000-1is one such watch. Take a look at some of the features that you should look at when choosing a good dive watch in relation to the Casio Frogman, below:


It is very important for you to get a watch that can go as deep as you love diving. This Casio Frogman watch can go up to 200 meters underwater, which is adequate for the regular divers. There are other brands of watches that can go even deeper but this one will work perfectly for the regular diver.

Remember, if you’re after splashing around in the pool, snorkeling or playing on water slides, a dive watch with a depth limit of 100 meters will work for you. However, if you are into actual deep-sea diving, you would want to go for one that is at least 300 meters. When buying a watch, check out the reviews of other user experiences and it is also best to go for watches with depth limits that are greater than what you swim.

Visible Display
When you are near the surface of the water, there is plenty of light and it is easy for you to read your watch. However, the deeper that you go under the water, the darker it gets and the harder it gets to see the display of your watch. You would, therefore, want to get a watch that has lighting or one that has luminous hands that can reflect light.

One other tip for the display of a watch is to go for a watch that is simple without too many complications on the dial. You don’t want to go crazy with panic when you’re under the water and you’re not sure if you read the right display. The Casio Frogman Digital dive watch comes with a digital display that is well lit by a background light when it is dark under the water.


Case Material
It is very important to get a dive watch with case material that is water resistant, does not corrode or rust and is easy to wear over the dive material. The bottom of the casing should be sealed or screwed in and not the pop out casings. This is because the pop out casings tend to leak faster and cannot sustain too much pressure.

There should be no cracks or openings on the case. The watch could have high ratings, but remember that every now and then you also run into a bad egg. Check the casing of the watch thoroughly before you purchase it or return it if you purchased it online and it comes with cracks or openings.

Remember, your life will depend on the watch when you’re under water, and that is something that you should never compromise. The most common materials that are used are stainless steel, titanium, silicone and rubber.

In the case of this Casio Frogman Digital, the bands are made of rubber while the display has hardened mineral glass that can resist water up to 200 meters deep. Other types of watches have sapphire as their watch crystal material, which is more scratch resistant than the hardened mineral glass. The case of the Casio Frogman is made of stainless steel that is just fine for water.

Unidirectional Bezel
This is one of the most outstanding features of a dive watch. The best dive bezels rotate counter-clockwise, making it easy for the diver to set and see how long they have been under the water.

This is handy because it can let the diver know when their air is about to run out amongst other things. The Casio Frogman is digital and easy to set your timing to show you how long you have been under the water. It comes with an ISO 200M WR Dive Timer.

Know the Watch
Once you have purchased the watch, it is very important for you to get to know it. Practice using the watch. The good thing with the Casio Frogman is that it is very easy to use digital watches that you’ll quickly adapt to.


Features of the Casio G-Shock Frogman Digital Dial Black Resin Solar Quartz Men’s Watch GWF1000-1

  • Tough Solar Power
  • Multi-Band 6 Atomic Timekeeping
  • ​Tide & Moon Data
  • ​ISO 200M WR Dive Timer
  • ​Stainless Steel Case & Bezel
  • ​Multi-Band Atomic Timekeeping (US, UK, Germany, Japan, China) Receives time calibration radio signals which keep the displayed time accurate Auto receive function up to 6 times per day (up to 5 times per day for China) Manual receive function Signal: US WWVB, UK MSF, Germany DCF77, Japan JJY40/JJY60, China BPC Frequency: US 60kHz, UK 60kHz, Germany 77.5kHz, Japan 40/60kHz, China BPC 68.5kHz
  • ​Tough Solar Power
  • Shock Resistant
  • ​ISO 200M Water Resistant
  • ​Full Auto EL Backlight with Afterglow
  • ​World Time 31 times zones (48 cities + UTC), city code display, daylight saving on/off
  • Moon Data (moon age of the specific data, moon phase graph)
  • ​Tide Graph (tide level for specific date and time)
  • ​Dive time and surface interval measurement function Dive time: 1 second increments, up to 23:59’59 Surface interval: 1 minute increments, up to 47:59’59 Memory capacity:
  • One set of data (dive time, dive start time and surface interval)
    1/100 second stopwatch Measuring capacity: 23:59’59.99″ Measuring modes: Elapsed time, split time, 1st-2nd place times
  • ​Countdown timer Measuring unit: 1 second Input range: 1 minute to 24 hours (1-minute increments and 1-hour increments)
  • 4 Daily alarms and 1 Snooze Alarm
  • ​Hourly time signal
  • Battery power indicator
  • ​Power saving function
  • Button Operation Tone on/off
  • ​Full auto-calendar (pre-programmed until the year 2099)
    ​12/24 hour formats
  • Accuracy: +/- 15 seconds per month
  • ​Storage battery: Solar rechargeable battery
  • Approx. battery life: 8 months on full charge (without further exposure to light)
  • Module: 3184

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8 tricks to lose body fat overnight

tricks to lose body fat

We all want to look good and healthy, but the reality is that women who especially take tricks to lose body fat overnight, an effort that sometimes costs too much to carry out. And it is that it is not easy to exercise, eat well and lead a healthy life that is why we give you 8 tricks to lose weight overnight, speed up your metabolism a bit and help you get more out of that diet you are making.

Tricks to lose body fat:

1. Eat more times a day but do not forget to do it in a healthy way, because the more we eat the more active our metabolism keeps intelligently consuming the calories we give it. Have a good breakfast, eat something light at mid-morning, and eat a balanced portion of food, snack something nutritious but not greasy and light dinner. This will make a difference.

2. Have a good breakfast, because this meal is not only necessary to give you the energy to push for the whole day, but it is also with which our metabolism also begins its journey and it is the moment in which you can consume more calories with the possibility of burning them throughout the day. This way you will have less voracious hunger at lunch.

3. Do not eliminate carbohydrates from your diet, this is a big mistake. Bread, pasta, cereals, and legumes should be present in your diet because they provide energy, fiber, and various necessary nutrients. Always opt for the much healthier whole versions and only avoid them during dinner unless you intend to do some important physical activity afterward.

4. Reduce and if possible eliminate foods that do not contribute anything but fat and calories, such as processed sweets (cakes, donuts), refined sugar, gums, soft drinks and all that kind of goodies with which you usually kill hunger and that not only make you gain weight but that they do not give you a single benefit.

5. You love to eat sweet things, very well you should not leave them, and the key is to do it with intelligence. Eat fruits, homemade cakes, dark chocolate, a rice biscuit, and whole-grain cookies with saccharin. Think before putting into your mouth a product that you know will put your body to work three times to get rid of it.

6. Stop eating every day on the street and bring lunch from home to your office. It is much healthier, you have the opportunity to control the preparation of food, avoid the temptation of caloric dishes in the restaurant and also benefit your pocket, and it is much cheaper.

7. You already know that chopping between meals is not bad, the bad thing is doing it improperly. Opt for fruits such as apple, pear, banana (or whatever you like), yogurt, brown rice crackers, and nuts, which are healthy solutions that give you benefits and help you satisfy your appetite.

8. Move more: This is one of the vital keys to lose weight and that is not enough to take care of what we eat. Exercising, keeping the body active and strong muscles is the key to a much healthier life. Walk, ride a bike, run, sign up at a gym, go out and play with your children, there are plenty of options.

So whenever and wherever you can, steal a few hundred steps. Just venturing outdoors means you’re more likely to be in motion. It also lifts your mood.

Park farther away from the door at the mall; take the stairs, not the elevator; get off the bus a stop or two early. Small changes can net you several thousand extra steps a day.

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Braun Series 7: German Engineering at its Best

In the hope of ending all your pain and suffering, I have done a review of the Braun Series 7 shaver. A German-based shaver that incorporates an intelligent auto sensing technology with sonic technology for a powerful and seamless shave.

What’s the Fuss All About?

Electric shavers have become a grooming stable over the years. However, while many do the job pretty well, the Braun Series 7 shaver packs a mighty number of features to help you achieve that perfect Brad Pitt look.

Being an iconic German brand, nothing escapes it.  An intuitive design, auto sense technology, sonic technology, automated cleaning station and five personalized speed settings. It sure doesn’t get any better than this.

In this Braun series 7 7865cc and Braun series 7 7865cc review I am going to break down all the witty features of the Series 7 as well as its upsides and drawbacks.

Braun series 7 7865cc and Braun series 7 7865cc review: Witty Features of the Braun Series 7 7865cc Shaver

Intuitive design

It may not be the most intuitively designed electric shaver on the market, but the Braun Series 7 7865cc electric foil shaver stacks up pretty well in as far as its ergonomics go.

It is plastic made and silver chromed and incorporates an ultramodern design that fuses function and form to create the best user experience.

An intelligent auto sense technology

The Braun Series 7 electric shaver is conceived with a unique and intelligent auto sense technology that reads the thickness of the beard and adjusts the power accordingly.

This way, you’ll not only have extra power when you need it but it’ll also save you the trouble of having to circle the same spot twice.


Like most Braun shavers, the Braun 7 Series comes with a dynamic flexible head that provides maximum comfort and pressure sensitive blades that adapt to your skin and work together for a gentle, close shave.

Easy maintenance

From having two cleaning options to a waterproof body, cleaning the Braun shaver series 7 could be as easy as manually running it under water or opting for the automated mode.

Either way, you shouldn’t have any problems at all maintaining its sleek and sparkly outlook especially if you not only clean it but also sanitize, lubricate and dry it well.

Five-speed settings

As part of the refreshed Series 7, the Braun Series 7 7865cc comes with five personalized settings that allow you to alter the speed to your liking.

For instance, you can alter to lower speeds when shaving irritation prone areas such as your neck and turn to turbo when you’re done.

Automated cleaning station

As with all cc models, the 7865cc Braun Series 7 cleaning station comes with an automated charging and cleaning base that helps with cleaning.

The station uses pretty much the same kind of cartridges as all other Braun cleaning solutions to take care of lubricating and cleaning the shaver for you.

The Good and Bad of the Braun Series 7 7865cc Shaver


  • Great design and sturdy body.
  • High powered performance.
  • Versatile shaving ability.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • It’s great for sensitive skin.


  • It is not affordable for most people.
  • The Braun Series 7 replacement head and Braun series 7
  • Replacement blades cost an arm and a leg to replace.
  • The cleaning system is a bit too noisy.

Who should buy the Braun Series 7 7865cc?

While just about anyone can use the Braun Series 7 shaver, I would highly recommend it for persons who have sensitive skin and long thick hair.

Customer Impression

The Braun Series 7 7865cc comes highly rated with most of the remarks stating how good of an investment it is.

For most people, most of the excitement emanates from being able to use it on basically all skin and beard types while some of it can be attributed to its impeccable performance.

As a matter of fact, many people who were long-term users of other products eventually made a switch.

Braun Series 7 vs Braun Series 9

Since the unveiling of Braun series 9, there’s been quite a dilemma in the electric shaving community. Should you still pick the Braun series 7 shaver or the Braun series 9 shaver?

Shaving performance

  • While there are many factors to consider when choosing a suitable shaver, performance is probably one of the most important.
  • So, I’ll break the debate down by looking at three major aspects.


  • For quite some time now, the series 7 has been the benchmark in terms of comfort.
  • It has micro-pulsations that make shaving feel like a soft and gentle massage and an amazing coolness that further increases the comfort of the shave.
  • What’s more, it has about 3-5 speed settings that allow you to alter the speed from high to low or vice versa.
  • With the Series 9, Braun took the comfort a notch higher but got rid of the speed settings.
  • It has an improved design coupled with a more powerful motor to provide an outstanding shaving experience.
  • As for its foils, well they remain cool during use as well as provide a forgiving and comfortable experience.
  • Generally, I can say that the Series 9 pretty much bags the lead in as far as comfort goes. However, the margin is quite small since the Series 7 was already an excellent shaver.


  • From having exceptionally sharp blades and a specially designed middle trimmer, you could say that series 7 stacks up well and is quite capable of providing a close and smooth shave.
  • And while the series 9 is equally as good, the two have a negligible difference with the series 9 having a slight advantage. Not to mention it’s both faster and easier to get a shave using the series 9.


  • Being practically an upgrade of the 7 series with more cutting elements and plenty of power, the 9-series shaves any kind of beard both effortlessly and fast.
  • As for the flexing capabilities, the 9-series movement of the swiveling and cutting elements of the shaving head are buttery smooth and ensure constant contact with the skin.
  • Braun’s implementation of specialized elements that capture long. flat hairs that grow in various directions also adds to the 9-series superiority.

Bottom Line

The Braun Series 9 stacks up pretty well in terms of performance.

Braun Series 7 vs 5

  • Although for a long time the Braun Series 7 has been widely regarded as the benchmark of comfort and peace, the latest iteration of Series 5 will have you confused over which model to go for.
  • While the Braun Series 7 vs Series 5 is multifaceted in nature, there are some integral aspects that should be considered when trying to decide between the two.
  • Worried? Don’t be! I will try to present it as objectively as I possibly can and hopefully, from my analysis, you’ll be better placed to decide on which one would be a better fit for you.

Closeness and comfort

  • Both the Series 7 and series 5 shavers use similar shaving heads comprised of a middle trimmer that lifts long flat hairs and cuts them and two foils for cutting hair close to the skin.

Sonic technology

  • The first difference as in regard to comfort and closeness is the Sonic technology found on most 7 series shavers.
  • According to Braun, the 7 series makes about 10,000 micropulsations per minute that make the foils vibrate and lift the hairs for a more enjoyable and efficient shave.
  • Nonetheless, the difference is negligible between the 7 series and the 5 series in as far as comfort and closeness go.

Personalization needs

  • The 7 series features a personalization mode that allows you to choose from about 5 settings. All you have to do is press the two buttons located below the power button and you’re good to go.
  • However, in practice, this makes no real difference at all.

Bottom Line

If you were to use both the series 7 and series 5, the results will be similar with the only difference being how you get those results.

Braun Series 7 7865cc vs 790cc, 740s, and 760cc

  1. There is a superfluity of Braun series 7 variations currently available and deciding which one to buy can be a tedious if not frustrating affair. How about we do a little comparison to help you narrow down your options?
  2. Based on shaving performance, all Braun Series 7 shavers are equal. They all have an advanced sonic technology that gives you the ability to personalize your shave so as to achieve that perfect seamless individual shave.
  3. What’s more, they are a great option for a man with sensitive skin and provide unmatched comfort and robust build quality. Apart from that, they are also able to stand the test of time hence their iconic status.
  4. Nonetheless, there are a few differences between the series 7 7865 and the series 7 740s, 790cc and 760cc.
  5. For instance, the 760cc, 740s, and 790cc all have 3-speed setting whereas the 7 7865cc has 5-speed setting.
  6. As for use, the 7 77865cc, 760cc, and 740s are wet and dry shavers. The 7 790cc however, is a dry shaver only. So, depending on your preference, you can opt for either of them.
  7. On the flipside, however, unlike with wet/dry shaver, the 790cc doesn’t have the limitation of not being used while plugged in.
  8. As for price, the 740s is priced much lower than the 790cc, 7865cc, and 760cc which makes it highly affordable.

Bottom Line

Basically, all these devices stack up well in as far as performance goes. However, the Series 7 7865cc has some minor iterations that make it the best Braun shaver for your needs.


And there you have it! The complete and comprehensive Braun series 7 review.

Basically, the Braun Series 7 7865cc is an incredible device with lots of tricks up its sleeve.

I would recommend it because it’s as good for someone who just wants to tidy up as it is for someone who wants to achieve that perfect Brad Pitt look.

The post Braun Series 7: German Engineering at its Best appeared first on AstonishWorks.

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